Monday, February 27, 2006

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

On Saturday Ryan and I walked around our apartment complex to meet all our neighbors with our friends and fellow life-groupers, Jana & Bennett. We handed out light bulbs to everybody we met and introduced ourselves. It was a wonderful experience and we are all excited to have met the neighbors and to have a better idea of how we might serve them & share truth with them.

Although I really enjoy meeting people for the first time, I was a little nervous to just knock on doors and introduce myself, light bulb in hand (well Ryan's hand). But it was good, really good. Several people we met commented that most people don't know their neighbors and they were glad we met. Others were excited also, and told us about family and roommates that weren't there, but they wanted us to meet them too.

Closing Thoughts
I think people want to be known. At least I do. I want to feel like somebody would recognize if I didn't come home on time, or if I didn't show up to work. I am very blessed to have those people in my life and I think that everybody wants that on some level. That's why I think people liked meeting us on Saturday (and why we liked meeting them).

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