Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Flop of an Idea ...Consumer Created Chevy Tahoe Ad

Last month I posted about General Motors Corp.’s web contest that used a technique called video mash-up to let consumers insert their own copy and create customized 30-second commercials for the 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe.

The Results? Well, let's just say Chevy probably isn't considering most of the submissions. Rather than getting a creative ourpouring from consumers, Chevy has recieved a number of ads that attack the SUV as a gas-guzzler, a contributor to global warming and a war-monger. "Don't buy me," read the copy over an SUV in one commercial.

In a world of consumer-controlled content, the consumer can't be controlled. That's a lesson learned the hard way by General Motors Corp.,

Consumer driven considerations... from adage's Kris Oser
Chevy's miscue set the video-Internet world abuzz about how to protect a brand while still ensnaring consumer involvement. It's a pressing issue at a time when video mash-ups-the practice of taking content from one medium and "mashing in" content from another to create an entirely different video clip-are the darlings of the consumer-generated content craze.

What's a Mash-up?
A mash-up can include content from a TV show conjoined with home movies from a camcorder, or a video ad rearranged and rewritten by a consumer. The term mash-up was originally used to describe the DJ practice of mixing tracks from different songs to create unique tunes.

Closing Thoughts
It will be interesting to see if any other corporation opens up a "create your own" advertising contest after Chevy's mishap. I'm surprised that they didn't consider that they might recieve a plethora of critical know, given that the Tahoe is a very large SUV that does consume a lot of gas, envionrmentalists tend to be passionate and vocal...but hey, bad press is still press! The Chevy website invites consumers to join them online in the "Chevy Boardroom" on April 27 at 8 p.m., EDT, as the five finalists are announced and the Grand Prize winner is revealed. I can hardly stand the excitement.

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