It is really hard to summerize my thoughts on this one, so I'll try doing it this way.
Funniest Moment: A cardboard cut-out of President George W. is placed on the stage of the camp (Kids on Fire Camp in Devils Lake, ND) and the kids (ages 6-12) are invited to pray blessings over him, pray in tounges for satan to have no power over President Bush.
Most Uncomfortable Moment: Directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady included a stop at Pastor Ted Haggard’s mega-sized New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Haggard makes some strong comments about gays. He then goes on to say that kids are easy to bring in the church; they want to know that someone loves them and cares about them...it's easy to sell church and Jesus to kids.
The Uneducated Moment: There were many things said out of ignorance in this movie...I hardly know where to begin. Possibly the worst was watching the kids be handed hammers to smash coffee cups on stage that had the word "Government" written on the side. The smashing represented destroying satan's power in government; namely abortion. Many times, throughout the film, people asked for abortion to be abolished in the USA, in the name of Jesus; that way revival could happen.
Watch it for yourself. I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts...You can view the trailer here.
Related Tags: Becky Fischer, Jesus Camp, Documentary, Oscar Nominee, Evangelical, Ted Haggard, New Life Church, Jesus, Christians, God, George W. Bush, Pentacostal, Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady
I have not seen the movie. I am terrified of the trailer. Glad to find you. :)
I tried to watch it last night. I had to turn it off when the Harry Potter bashing started, I was starting to get angry.
It's scary the level of intolerance, arrogance and ignorance that was demostrated in only the 20 or so minutes that I watched.
I just finished watching it. It's as scary as it is amazing, but I think it is important that people watch and see the dangers growing in the hardcore conservative view.
The way children and people can be convinced to be so radical, if the rest of the world is going to be able to give a good answer to them then we must understand the danger and see first hand what is going on there.
The thing that makes me the saddest is wondering how those children will feel later on in life. Sometimes I hope they will never really learn the truth.
I just finished watching this film. I sat in wonder as this story unfolded. I'm certain these subjects believe whole-heartedly that they are correct in their thinking. I'm amazed at the hypocrisy practiced by this sect of worshippers. Most of their beliefs are centered around very strict, traditional Old Testament rules of the Bible, believing that witchcraft, homosexuality, "dancing for the flesh" are evil and not in accordance with God's teachings...HOWEVER, we have a church led by a woman (specifically restricted in the Old Testament) Makes me wonder how they justify that if they are so "obedient" to God.
i am fascinated by the reaction to this film.i too,had to turn the film off part way.i turned it off when they got to camp and she was preaching to the kids while using threats and intimidation.its awful really.
i feel sorry for the people that live in small towns that have to deal with this mindset on a daily basis.i know i would have turned into a pot smoking long hair or...turned into a Ted Haggard.
I found the kids' praying to the presidential cut-out most disturbing - that and the one mother teaching her kids that science is just a silly little joke that needs to be brushed aside before you can get to the truth. Praying to a cardboard figure of a political figure seemed like some kind of freaky sympathatic-magic hoodoo.
Politics and religion just don't mix. But I liked the way Fisher approached the kids, telling them they can be the greatest generation and change the world. She didn't talk down to them.
These film-makers happened on the "Kingdom Now" branch of the Charismatic Movement. These folks believe they should have lots of children, rigorously indoctrinate those children, training them to vote as a block, and take over the United States government. They are the militant edge of the far right in this country. They are raising soldiers. These people are radical and serious. The thought of a government in their hands is a frightful thing indeed. What I think might happen: They will goad the government through their militant activism to come down hard on the rest of Christianity with controls and regulations like religion has never seen before in this country.
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