Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Husband on Strike

During my morning commute I was introduced to a husband on strike. Basically a Michigan guy, James, is on "strike" because his wife has their 2 mo. old daughter sleeping in their room every night and refuses to do otherwise. James is sleeping in a tent on their roof until his wife decides to listen to his parental advice and allow them to reclaim their bedroom as a place of peace and relaxation. To read James' blog, view pictures of his tent & sign, to add to his 500+ comments he has recieved, or to sign his petition, just go click here.

James' strike began to pick up media coverage yesterday. I think that this is pretty funny and I give James mad props...I agree that a bedroom should remain a sacred place for parents.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Kimberly Ann:

The link to Husbandonstrike isn't working. But a very funny story. I'm headed to my roof right now!

Kimberly Ann said...

I see that...I think that James must be "off strike" now, because I can't access his site from anywhere now...I will keep checking to see if he posts an update. Maybe his wife has taken some of his advice?