...Mohler tells females that they ought not even go to check the mail without first “putting a little paint on the barn” (wearing make up)...
Covered in chocolate; rosted and ground to be a tasty beverage; marketed by one of my favorite places to be. . .Starbucks. These beans have been present during some of the greatest moments of my life.
Two quotes for ya sista...
"Tight jeans, miniskirts, low necklines, and extensive body piercing are inappropriate for First Ladies (aka pastor's wives)......Your hair, makeup, and clothing work together to frame your testimony. A pleasing presence is enhanced by an attractive appearance, happy dispositon, poised demeanor, friendly nature, and gracious manner."
Part Two:
"True beauty is not figures adn fashion but teh Holy Spirit's indwelling in your heart. Of course, the pastor's wife must follow the rules of modesty, cleanliness, and good taste. Study yourself and observe what styles draw compliments from your husband and others. With careful planning and wise buying of a wardrobe, you will make your family and parishioners proud of your appearance."
Is it just me, or does the first sentence contradict the rest of the paragraph?
If you keep reading in the book, the next section is called "Upkeep of the Temple" (aka your body).
This, and too many other "great pearls of wisdom" can be found in no other than the First Lady of SWBTS' book, "A Handbook for Ministers' Wives." It's a "real" page turner!
By the way...did I mention that I have a tattoo and piercings? Dang it! Guess I won't make a good "first lady."
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