Thursday, February 02, 2006

"No, I do not know what happened on Lost. . ."

What? No TV. . .
That's right; Ryan and I do not watch TV. People always forget this and regularly ask me what I thought of Lost. I mean, maybe I wouldn't even like Lost, even if I did see it. Who knows. . .

We own a TV, in fact we just bought a new one just about 3 weeks ago, but we don't watch television shows on it. Since we have been married the only reason we own or use a TV is to watch movies (we watch 1 or 2 each week). TV is not off-limits for us, we just don't have cable or an antenna hooked up. As I said in my previous post, we watch Survivor with friends (and have since college) and if there is a sports game we want to see, we are generally invited over somewhere or we can go to Fox & Hound or any other sports bar with a TV.

There is really no particular reason we don't hook up cable to watch shows, we really just not very interested. For myself, I hardly ever watched TV once I got to college. Occasionally I would watch TLC in the mornings between classes and take in the likes of the "Personal Story," "A Dating Story," "A Wedding Story," and "The Baby Story." Quality TV, I know.

Disadvantages to no TV
There really haven't been many. The only thing I can think of is that I have no idea what my co-workers are talking about when they talk about Lost, Gray's Anatomy, The Bachelor, etc. . .
Not watching TV shows has not negatively impacted my life in any way I can think of.

Cool Reasons I've Found not to Watch
Since we have not had TV ever in our home, I find so much more time to get other things done that I want to do; having rich conversation with Ryan and friends, reading, cooking/baking, picking up; just to name a few. I love that our schedule is free from feeling like we need to watch something on TV. When I was in high school Dawson's Creek was a really popular show, and I was totally obsessed. I would finagle my schedule around so I could watch it or tape it and watch as soon as humanly possible. I guess you do not miss what you do not know, and for me I don't know Lost from Gray's Anatomy and I feel no loss in my life. Surprisingly , we're not the only people not watching regularly. Check this article out!

1 comment:

Sher said...

I have to say that I watch both Grey's and Lost. I'm completely addicted to both, and would hate to miss them. And I have a semi-addictions to ER and McLeod's Daughters, an Australian soap opera on WE. But as far as other TV is concerned...nothing else really does it.

But then, we do have every single channel that I think you can receive. That kinda bugs me....but oh well!

If you ever want to know ANYTHING about TV, you should talk to my roommate who is the QUEEN of Tivo and TV!