Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's a Myoclonic Jerk!

In a totally 2-seasons-behind kind of way, I watched the first two episodes of FOX's medical TV show, House on DVD. I have loved what I have seen of the show so far; I do enjoy good witty, scarcastic, pessimestic humor every now and then.

In the 2nd episode of season 1, Dr. House is trying to diagnoise a 16-year-old male when he notices the patient's leg twitch. House says that the leg twitch is really called a myoclonic jerk. A myoclonic jerk is caused by a drop in resperation rate (caused by fatigue), in which the brain interprets the body as dying, so the brain sends a pulse through the body to wake it up, thus causing muscles to jerk.

I was esstatic to learn about a myoclonic jerk, because my body generally twitchs as I am just about to be asleep. While myoclonic jerks typically occur in adults who have epilepsy, it is normal and healthy for non-epiletic adults to experience minor & brief jerks. I have never known why I had these quick and sudden jerks before, but now I know why!

1 comment:

Sher said...

Hmmm...I have had that happen on a rare occassion as well. Weird.

House is one of Deva's favorite shows. I don't watch it, but the parts I have seen look good!