Sunday, May 20, 2007

can i get some more points over here?

On Friday I officially started Weight Watchers at Work. I refuse to call this a diet--I'm trying to embrace calling, and making it, a lifestyle change. The WW@W program is huge where I work, so I decided to take the opportunity to improve my eating habits and build deeper relationships with my co-workers. Just 3 days in to it, I am doing okay and am staying under my daily, alotted points (21) and overall, I don't feel like I've been missing out on anything...there have only been a few times that I wish I had more points to spare :-) I look forward to reporting my progress along the way and I thought that posting on here would only increase my accountability and incentives (along with the superskinny lady who weighs us in every Friday). Oh, and did I mention that the folks who gain weight during the week have to stand on the other side of the room...pray that won't be me!

1 comment:

AK said...

Good luck! I know you'll do well. WW is a great program!