Friday, March 10, 2006

Warm Heart

There are ocassionaly times in my life where I am truely touched by meeting a person who possesses a servant heart and has committed their lives to serving God and other people.

Part of my job is to meet our employees and spread the good news about what they are doing in and out of the office. Today I had the complete honor of meeting a man named Mr. Britton, 74, at his surprise birthday party. This afternoon, Britton walked in to the lunchroom decorated with balloons, streamers to find his co-workers and wife of over 50 years yelling, "SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" his face broke in to a gigantic smile and warm, salty tears ran down his seasoned face. I say it was an honor to meet Mr. Britton because he is a man who loves God and gives his whole heart to serving others. It didn't take me long to see what and who is important to this gentle man. I was told today by a co-worker that Mr. Britton regularly uses his entire Christmas bonus check to host homeless Bar-B-Que's in South Dallas to tangiably show the love of Christ. By earthly standards this man is poor and uneducated. In the end, this man is very rich and his example was a blessing and encouragement to me and the others who know him.

So I was touched and thought I would share.

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