Tuesday, February 20, 2007

GoingLean and other random happenings

What's new with the Florida E's? Well...Ryan discovered that the Kashi GoLean Crunch! Honey Almond Flax cereal might have been the catalyst for Kashi granola bars...he found his cereal stuck together like a brick last weekend. Poor Ryan.

In other news...I am still enjoying my job tremendously. Because I feel it necessary to keep things vauge on here regarding my employment, just know that it is good. Ryan gets the pure joy of hearing all of my interesting and un-interesting related stories. What a super husband.

The Hopper crew is coming to visit in a couple of weeks, so we're pretty excited to have some family in town. Ryan's parents will also be coming to visit this spring...can you tell that we will be spoiled by having some of our favorite people in town really soon...Brian and Suzanne B. visited us a couple of weeks ago and it was really wonderful to spend time with old friends and show them around.

Things at c28 are going really well and it seems like momentum is constnatly growing. Jeff and Amy (owners of c28 - West Palm Beach and good friends), announced that they're having a baby this fall! We're so excited for them! My good friend, Amanda, and her husband, Garrett, will also be expanding their family when by welcoming twin boys in to their family this July...I can't wait to meet them! I love sharing in all of the excitement of growing families.

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